SCRP’s Utility Cost Recovery/Auditing Partner has earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau over their 30-years of securing tens of millions of dollars in REFUNDS  for their clients in the manufacturing, health care, print, real estate, and craft brewing industries. These refunds-  “found money” going right back to the bottom line as pure profit– occur frequently (in certain industries, greater than 65% of our clients get money that they’re owed! ) due to bill code errors and/or billing mistakes by the electric and/or gas companies when setting up the accounts,  Refunds are also obtained resulting from recent changes in local, state, and/or federal laws meant to  benefit businesses that have not been implemented by the utility.   

Even if you’re buying energy supply from a third-party supplier, your utility distribution rate & billing may be incorrect (even if the third-party supplier invoices on the otherwise correct local utility invoice). SCRP’s partner for utility cost recovery will also audit for discrepancies between your supply contract and the actual billing. In deregulated markets, our energy experts can make sure that you haven’t been overpaying in the past, and, moving forward, you have the best possible rates for your industry/facility’s load profile.

In addition to the sectors listed on the header above, this is a great service for:  






Areas of opportunity for refunds include: Electricity, Natural Gas, Heating Oil/Propane. 

Also- in Manhattan and it’s boroughs- Water & Sewer reductions can be put in place through the DEP, and/or REFUNDS on Real Estate Taxes (unrelated to certiorari proceedings) can be secured.

                    Industry-specific testimonials provided.

       Three key points:

  1. The process takes minutes to put in motion:  we do all the work directly with the utility company based on a simple 1-page agreement/Letter of Authorization and one recent copy of the electric and gas bills (1-billing cycle);
  2. This process is done on a contingency basis:       NO REFUND(S) or NO VERIFIED FUTURE REDUCTION(S), then there’s NO FEE.    It’s a free ‘gut check’ and every client emerges from the process with a positive outcome:  ‘Found Money’ or with ‘Peace of Mind’ that they’re billing correctly and that no money is being left on the table.
  3. For the industries that can benefit from this process, the success rate in identifying & correcting the errors which led to overcharges is close to 70%!!!